Posted tagged ‘mothers advice’

Mothers Who Art In Heaven

October 28, 2007

Mother, in the pink hatI saw an opportunity to submit a story as part of a compilation of stories for a book called “Mothers Who Art In Heaven”.  It is a book about mothers who have passed and the advice they gave us.  I seized the opportunity to rave about my mother.


 Like most other mothers, Mother was fond of saying things like, “Wear clean underwear, because you never know if you will be in an accident.”

Or, “Pretty is as pretty does.”  “Sit like a lady.” was another quote we often heard, and if that didn’t work she would reiterate with the ditty (as she called it), “I see Paris, I see France.  I see Pamela’s underpants.”  Sometimes she didn’t have to offer any advice!  A look from her would accomplish the same purpose, and stick in our minds like glue.

Mother also taught us table manners, to sit quietly while the adults talked, and to mind our own business.  We were exposed to all genres of music and had a deep appreciation of the arts.  I can’t tell you how many times I had to perform “The Girl from Wolverton Mountain”, but I would go to sleep listening to my sisters playing classical music on the piano or organ, or my brothers singing gospel music.

Mother taught us the art of hospitality, and how to extend a hand to a person in need.  She demonstrated how to love on someone who is hurting.  Mother exemplified love!

The most important thing that she passed along to us, all six of us, was her faith in God.  She lived her faith every day.  She taught me that God’s love is unconditional and that he would never disappoint me or forsake me. 

The very thought of my precious mother being in heaven brings a flood of mixed emotions.  I feel sadness, because I miss her, but also peace and a promise that I will see her again.  Exactly one year after her passing, at age 62, my sister found a note in Mother’s Bible that she had written ten years earlier to us.  It pretty much sums up everything she stood for and everything she taught us.  It said:

 “To my loved ones left.  If I have pointed you to Christ, this was what I tried for.  Love Him first and love for others will fill your cup.  Don’t hold grudges.  Do not grieve for me-just look to the day to meet me-but to meet the Lord first of all.  Pray for each other and help each other in need.  Don’t despair; God is near.” 

At the bottom of the page she had drawn a picture of the cross.  Above it she wrote “A Balanced Life”.  At the top of the cross she wrote “Christian Religion”.  To the left of it, “Play”.  To the right of it, “Love”, and at the bottom of it, “Work”.

I think this is very good advice!